How Stable Works

Stable contains 6 key ingredients to aid people with this rapidly accelerating disease. This is how it works:
Chromium is vitally important to good health because it is essential to the function of insulin. It is known that poor responsiveness to insulin is very common and is linked to increased risk of obesity, heart disease, hyperlipidemia, hypertension and diabetes. The transport of nutrients by insulin through cell membranes to be used for repair, maintenance and replication is dependent upon chromium. It has been shown that 90% of American diets provide less than the minimum amount recommended by the National Academy of Sciences. In addition, most nutritional forms of chromium are poorly absorbed. Metabolic Role Chromium plays an active role in glucose, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. It is postulated that trivalent chromium is active in the attachment of the insulin molecule to the receptor membrane and helps bind the insulin molecules more tightly to the membrane.
Gymnema Sylvestre:
Several, placebo-controlled trials indicate that gymnema extracts may indeed lower blood sugar levels. In those with type 1 diabetes, gymnema seems to enhance the action of insulin. In one study, 27 people with type 1 diabetes who took gymnema leaf extracts for several months required less insulin to control their blood sugar levels. Animal studies also support this use; they indicate that gymnema can double the amount of insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, and return blood sugar levels to normal as a result.
In the case of the far more prevalent type 2 diabetes--also known as noninsulin-dependent diabetes--research findings indicate that the use of gymnema may improve blood sugar control and result in the need for smaller doses of oral diabetes drugs to control the disease. However, it's critical that people with this disease don't abandon proven ways to manage it, from a healthy diet to regular exercise and medications when needed.
Alpha Lipoic Acid:
Alpha-lipoic acid has been used for decades in Europe to counter nerve damage in people with diabetes (types 1 and 2). Known as diabetic neuropathy, this often very painful condition tends to develop in people who have had uncontrolled diabetes for a long time. The neuropathy may be caused in part by free-radical damage to nerves resulting from poorly regulated blood sugar (glucose). As an antioxidant, alpha-lipoic acid helps to block such damage. In addition, because of its effect on glucose metabolism, lipoic acid may improve the glucose-lowering action of insulin (the hormone that regulates blood sugar).
In one clinical trial, 328 people with diabetic neuropathy received either 100 mg, 600 mg, or 1,200 mg a day of alpha-lipoic acid for three weeks. Participants who took 600 mg daily had the greatest reduction in pain and numbness. And in a separate study, blood sugar levels dropped in 74 people with type 2 diabetes who took 600 mg or more of alpha-lipoic acid daily.
Vanadyl Sulfate:
The most significant research to date involves its insulin-like properties and its possible role in treating diabetes. Some studies have suggested that it help to lower blood sugar levels in people with both type I and type II diabetes. Because of this, some speculate that vanadyl sulfate might help regulate blood sugar levels in people. Vanadyl sulfate was discovered to mimic the effects of insulin in human body. What it does is shuttle glucose molecules into the muscle cells and into the liver. There is evidence that this product will temporarily increase muscle size by filling out the muscle cells with extra glucose.
Cinnamon Extract:
Cinnamon is among the world's most frequently consumed spices and is relatively inexpensive. Anderson and colleagues found that its most active compound—methylhydroxy chalcone polymer (MHCP)—increased glucose metabolism roughly 20-fold in a test tube assay of fat cells. The researchers tested 50 some plant extracts and found that none of them came close to MHCP's level of affecting glucose metabolism—a process in which cells convert glucose to energy. If in future research MHCP proves to do the same in people, it might provide a natural remedy against diabetes. What's more, MHCP prevented the formation of damaging oxygen radicals in a blood platelet assay.
High-Potency Multi-Vitamin:
A wide range of vitamins and minerals affect glucose metabolism and insulin function, yet people with diabetes routinely don’t get enough micronutrients. In research conducted in Germany, diets of type 2 diabetic patients were analyzed and found to be deficient in one or more of 22 nutrients evaluated. More alarming, a whopping 97 percent of the diabetic patients did not obtain three to seven nutrients in the recommended amounts from their diets. Putting overweight people on weight-reducing, lower-calorie diets – a central strategy in the treatment of diabetes – makes nutrient deficiencies worse. Most of the diets of non-weight-reducing patients in the above study were deficient in 1 to 6 nutrients, but weight-reducing diets were deficient in 3 to 12 nutrients. Furthermore, more than half of the vitamins and minerals from the diets of people on weight-reducing diets tested lower than 50 percent of the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). So, even in a clinical environment where diabetic nutrition counseling and information are available, multiple micronutrient deficiencies from diets are common. Just to meet the DRIs, a multi-nutrient supplement to the diet is needed.
And research shows that a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement does indeed offer real health and quality-of-life benefits for people with type 2 diabetes. In a study reported in the Annals of Internal Medicine in 2003, supplementation with a multivitamin and mineral supplement reduced infection and illness-related absenteeism in diabetic patients by startling numbers. Only 17 percent of diabetic patients who took a multivitamin and mineral supplement experienced an infectious illness – such as an upper respiratory tract infection or influenza-like illness – compared to 93 percent of patients who took a placebo. Equally impressive, no diabetic patients who took the supplement reported one or more absentee days from illness during the 12-month study period, compared to 89 percent of diabetic patients who received the placebo.